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Break unhealthy habits with these short but effective challenges designed to deliver big results.

Do you feel like your physical or emotional health is falling behind these days? Have you created some health-related goals you are having trouble reaching? If so, it's time to form some healthy and achievable habits that will help you reach your goals.

Your habits should always be formed before setting goals because this is exactly what is going to lead you to success. With each individual SMART healthy habit challenge, we'll help you successfully conquer one goal at a time.

These challenges are for anyone who:

  • Wants to create a healthier overall lifestyle
  • Is looking to create healthy habits that actually stick
  • Needs a realistic approach to healthy eating and working out Wants to feel happier and more confident each day
  • Needs help learning strategies for healthy eating
  • Wants to learn how to have more motivation to workout
  • Craves more positive vibes flowing in their life every day
  • Overall, are looking to improve themselves one day at a time

Do any of these apply to you? If you’re nodding your head, then this healthy habit challenge is meant for you!


Our Healthy Habits Challenges


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This seven-day guided meditation program is the perfect way to introduce yourself to meditation. It is for anyone looking to explore meditation, both beginners and those who already practice.


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Build a Bulletproof Gut – identify and adjust dietary habits to optimize gut health for happiness and longevity.

This 2-week habit coaching program encourages you to improve your gut health. The goal is to simply create more awareness of how the food you eat impacts your overall health and daily well-being.


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Journaling is one of the most excellent tools for finding your purpose, healing yourself, and creating the life you most desire. It is a way of coaching yourself through your “stuff” and letting it out on the page, unclogging your mind from years of destructive thoughts. This 2-week habit coaching program encourages you to journal daily.


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This is a 2-week habit coaching program that encourages you to eat healthy fats with every meal. You’ll discover the incredible benefits that healthy fats have to offer, including better energy, increased nutrients, improved fat loss, and enhanced flavor to your meals.


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This 2-week habit coaching program encourages you to increase your frequency of eating healthy single-ingredient foods while reducing unnecessary processed ones.


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This 2-week habit coaching program encourages you to eat carbohydrates based on your daily activity level. By getting this input of energy vs. output of energy right for you, significant weight reduction can occur and numerous great performance and health benefits can be achieved.


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Eat Your Greens – ensure adequate micronutrient levels by adapting to incorporate vegetables into your diet daily.


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Water is the most important nutrient in your diet. Nothing else comes close. It’s, therefore, a truly vital resource for the human body. This 2-week habit coaching program encourages you to drink fresh water with every meal.


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Understanding the power of sleep and how to get as much high-quality sleep as possible is one of the healthiest things you can do. This 2-week habit coaching program will help you plan a sleep routine and guide you toward all the benefits of sleeping better.


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Protein Power – learn to eat adequate amounts of protein daily to thrive and heal your body.

This 2-week habit coaching program will show you the benefits of a higher protein diet and how much you actually need. Your challenge is to eat lean protein with every meal.


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Stress holds us back from being the best we can be. This 2-week habit coaching program encourages you to reduce stress by showing you the most effective ways to control it in all areas of your life.


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This 2-week habit coaching program will help you eat regularly throughout the day while being in tune with your hunger and fullness cues. It will help you ‘reconnect with your body.

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Fit and Trim University. All rights reserved. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician regarding any medical condition and before undertaking a new health care regimen.